Journey of taste: Kundru is helpful in reducing obesity, also beneficial in anemia, specialty mentioned in ancient texts

Journey of taste: Kundru is helpful in reducing obesity, also beneficial in anemia, specialty mentioned in ancient texts


The amount of fiber in Kundru is sufficient.
Kundru is beneficial in preventing bacterial infection.
The shape type of Kundru looks like Parwal.

Taste of Travel: Kundru is a vegetable grown on vine. Due to the additional features, this vegetable is now being liked a lot in the villages as well as in the urban areas. The special elements found in it prevent obesity. It is also beneficial in anemia, because iron is found in plenty in it. Once it was considered wild, but now it is also being cultivated like bitter gourd, gourd, parwal. Its characteristics are described in the ancient texts of India and it is believed that apart from the country, it was also eaten in South Africa since ancient times.

Looks like parwal but has special features

Kundru (Ivy Gourd/Little Gourd) looks similar to Parwal, yet there are some differences in the color-size and characteristics of both of them. If you look at both these vegetables with a flying eye, they will look similar because both are green in color and have long stripes. The color of Parwal is slightly dark green and that of Kundru is light. Kundru is smaller and longer in appearance and Parwal is slightly bigger. The taste of both is also similar, but their nutritional value is slightly different.

Kundru is a seasonal vegetable and its vine spreads with the help of tree or bush. There is so much density in it that it completely covers the tree or bush. Kundru is now eaten all over the world due to some distinct characteristics, the reason being that it is rich in many nutrients. Its vegetable is made, as well as it is also used in chutney. It can be mixed with many vegetables to make a delicious mix veg.

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The origin of Kundru is believed to be in India and Africa.

Food historians believe that Kundru originated thousands of years ago in the forests of India. Its characteristics have been described in the ancient texts of India. Apart from many local manuscripts, it is also mentioned in texts related to Ayurveda. Historians also believe that for years it is being cultivated in India as well as in Asia, as well as in some countries of Africa. Now it is being cultivated all over India.

It has been told that there are about 35 species of Kundru in the whole world, but only one species is cultivated in India, which is very tasty and nutritious. Its other species grow in abundance in China, Africa, Australia, Central America, Malaysia, etc. and are dried there and used as medicine. The special thing is that Kundru is a small vegetable in size, but its family is related to Pumpkin.

It maintains the energy level of the body

In terms of nutrition, Kundru is far ahead of the vegetables related to its species. It controls obesity and is also beneficial in anemia. According to dietician and Ayurvedacharya Dr. RP Singh, Ayurveda has considered Kundru to have medicinal properties as well. It is cool, slightly astringent, cough-cholesterol.


The amount of fiber in Kundru is also sufficient, so it also keeps the digestive system fine. Image-Shutterstock

Modern research has revealed that Kundru has anti-obesity properties. It does not allow fat to be formed in pre-adipocytes (fat cells). Iron is also found in abundance in it, so it protects the body from diseases like anemia. The vitamins found in Kundru are soluble, which maintain the energy level. This vegetable contains minerals and antioxidants which keep the nervous system healthy.

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Maintains better digestive system

The amount of fiber in Kundru is also sufficient, so it also keeps the digestive system fine. In Ayurveda, a paste of root, fruit and leaves of Kundru is made for the treatment of itching and leprosy, which is considered effective. It is beneficial to prevent bacterial infection. Adequate amount of potassium is also found in it, which maintains the function of the heart better. Its consumption in normal quantity does not cause any harm. But loose motions can occur if consumed in excess. The stomach may also grumble.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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